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Friday, February 19, 2010

Deadfall - Short Stories of New England Mystery

Level Best books publishes an anthology of short stories by New England author and of course themed for mystery, including thriller, suspense, caper, and horror. Stories may or may not be located in New England, but do feature both recognized and first time New England authors.

There are currently seven books in the series and Our Mystery Book Club is reading Deadfall, the sixth anthology, published in 2008.

We are reading three of these short stories for each meeting of the book club in addition to our monthly novel. At the next meeting, February 26, we will be reading stories #4, 5, and 6.

A "scoresheet" is available for download. It allows us to rank order the three stories each week, as well as note what we felt were the good points and not-so-good points for each story.

Go here to order the book OR download a free copy of the scoresheet.

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